So, I joined LA Fitness at the end of October and then started working with a personal trainer, Allison. Allison has been kicking my butt for 3 weeks now. I work out with her 3x a month. Then I work out on my own another 4-5 days a week on my own. I, currently, work out in the pool for most of my cardio. I run in the pool for about 30 minutes. Some days, I will also add another 20 minutes on the recumbent bike. It's about all I can do without my leg cramping so bad it hurts. It's amazing.
My workouts with the trainer have been incredible. We have been working on building muscle especially since my muscles have started to atrophy. Also, we are doing a lot of core exercises. So far, I have noticed that I'm loosing the jello flabbyness of my arms and upper legs.