I just got back from a week long cruise where I had some real issues with this pain. It got much worse after I missed a step getting out of the van at the cruise terminal. It was really weird. It was like it vibrated my whole lower leg bones. It hurt like hell. Thank God I had my AFO on. As soon as I could, I had to take a percocet. OMG, it hurt so much. Then it got a little better until I missed another step on the ship. I was in tears it hurt so much. I'm so glad I made sure I had stronger meds than my usual with me on the cruise. I did this one more time - OUCH! Darn dishes on the floor. By the 3rd day, it was almost gone. I still have a little pain but nothing like that before. Geez... rough start.
As for the amount of botox and if it worked - I gotta be honest and think it was truly worth it (except for the couple weeks of terrible pain). I have always had a horrible time getting it to relax at night in order to sleep. I took clonzapm which sometimes worked, other times NOPE. As for the dosage, I will talk to my doctor about it. I think we can go for less.
It's always an adventure.
It's always an adventure.