Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Well, it's been awhile since I last posted. Time flies.

On April 26th, I went to see my primary care physician for a follow up visit with my acid reflux. During that visit I talked to him about my lower back pain for which I was taking Vicodin every 4-6 hours for the pain. Grant it my doctor is very sweet, caring and understanding of the Dystonia told me that I need to get in the pool. I laid out excuses about money, the pool not being heated yet, etc. He said firmly, no excuses ... get in the pool and that if all I did was tread water it was better. He also told me I NEED to lose weight - about 25lbs, but at least 10. I was taken back by his tone. It surprised me. So, I thought about it for a few days and decided he was right. That Sunday I started getting in the pool. It was cold, but free. I had started off by watching YouTube videos on how to work out in the pool. So, I started slow - a few laps, then jumping jacks, squats, running, and finishing with couple laps and stretching. Ok, not bad. Next day, I forced myself back in. Water was a tad warmer and felt a little more comfortable. By the 3rd day the temp was up to 85ยบ. Nice. After a week of getting in everyday at 4pm, I started loving it. I have now been in the pool almost daily for 3 1/2 weeks. I truly look forward to the workout. I have expanded my workout to include abs, pull-ups, etc.

As for my back - it is feeling so much better. I am not on the Vicodin daily now. I have eased off of it and only use it occasionally now. I have lost 4lbs, but gaining muscle weight.

As for the Dystonia- while overall I feel better. I think the Dystonia (especially the left foot) has gotten worse. It has been curling tighter lately. Makes it more difficult to sleep and sit still. But knowing that my back is better makes it tolerable.

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