Sunday, April 5, 2009

Life after botox ... woohoo

Thursday, I received my Botox injections after a 5 month hiatus. (Long story short... changed insurance and had to wait.) The effects are starting to kick in and I am so happy. :)

In the last few months, I had noticed that my left middle finger was getting stiff and in a lot of pain. Then, a few weeks ago, I understood what was going on. The tip of the middle finger started pulling in towards the palm of my hand. Yeah, one of my fears, the Dystonia had spread to the left hand as well. Just when I thought I had dealt with the worst part of this disorder, I'm thrown another blow. Depressed and frustrated, I started researching this. And after research and talking to my neurologist, found out that this happens to about 50% of the patients. I was so bummed. So, now time to learn again. However, after receiving the botox in that hand, I am doing pretty good. :) Thank God.

So, because of the hand, I have decided against having botox in my left foot. I tried a little last year, but it didn't affect it hardly at all. That plus the pain involved in the injections alone, I can't see that it's worth the chance of becoming immune to the botox.

Tonight, I'm feeling pretty good about things, but know that there are good and bad days, so enjoy the good ones.

1 comment:

  1. Good for ya! Sometimes, it's kinda surprising how Botox can be more than a beauty product. It's also being used to treat stuff like chronic migraines and excessive sweating, making it pretty effective for different people. Since it wears out, you have to get Botox regularly, right? Hope it helps you out when you need it! It's certainly something to 'woohoo' about!
